TransCanadian Networks
Members of the Centre have actively participated in research activities of the TransCanadian Networks, taking part in workshops and talks at the University of La Laguna, Spain, as well as publishing collaborative papers.
International Network for Emerging Scholars in Canadian Studies
The Canadian Studies Centre's Denisa Krásná is the spokesperson for the Central European branch of the International Network for Emerging Scholars in Canadian Studies, which is committed to building a global community of emerging scholars in Canadian Studies by establishing direct connections between all students and emerging scholars in the field through their national and international spokespeople; to fostering new and innovative research in the field of Canadian Studies by emerging scholars; and to encouraging new students and other emerging scholars to get involved in the field of Canadian Studies by providing them with research opportunities.
Our Centre has enabled the organization of a special panel for emerging scholars at the CEACS conference in Maribor, Slovenia, which is being held in September 2024. As part of the panel, chaired by Denisa Krásná, Center's member Lucie Altmannová, who is pursuing a Ph.D., will deliver a paper on the topic of traditional healing in contemporary First Nations literature.