People at the Centre
Martina Horáková is Assistant Professor in the Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Her research and teaching interests include theories of settler colonialism and Indigeneity in Australia and Canada, feminist theories, women’s life writing, and environmental narratives. Book publications include Inscribing Difference and
Resistance: Indigenous Women’s Personal Non-fiction and Life Writing in Australia and North
America (2017) and Pursuits of Settler Belonging in Australian Post-Millennial Memoirs (2025).
Mgr. Denisa Krásná, BA (Hons), Ph.D.
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Denisa Krásná defended her interdisciplinary dissertation titled “Decolonial Animal Ethic, Indigenous Veganism, and Ecofeminism in North American Culture and Literature” at the Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University, Brno where she now offers courses that intersect Animal, Indigenous and Canadian Studies. Her primary research interests span artivism, decolonial resistance, Critical Animal Studies, ecofeminism and sports studies. Denisa's work delves into the connections between gendered colonial violence, the exploitation of nonhuman animals, the politics of consumption, and the representation of nonhuman animals in contemporary Indigenous literatures. Additionally, she explores decolonial outdoor narratives. Denisa’s co-edited collection Flow: Outdoor Counternarratives by Women from Rivers, Rock, and Sky is set to be published by the Canadian publisher Rocky Mountain Books in 2025. Beyond her scholarly pursuits, she is an avid highliner and rock climber, finding inspiration and balance in outdoor adventures.
Petr Kyloušek est professeur de littératures romanes. Il a publié et édité monographies et articles, principalement sur les littératures française et québécoise : Histoire de la littérature québécoise (2005), Imaginaire du roman québécois contemporain (2006), Nous-eux-moi : la quête de l'identité dans la littérature et le cinéma canadiens (2009), Milan Kundera, ou Que peut la littérature (2012). Centers and Peripheries in Romance Literatures of the Americas and Africa (2024). L’autre volet de ses activités appartient à l’enseignement. Les cours enseignés se trouvent à la rubrique Teaching.
Tomáš Pospíšil is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. He teaches American literature, American and Canadian film, and American cultural studies. He was an ACLS visiting scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz in 1993/94 and a Fulbright fellow at the University of Southern California in 1999. In his research, he focuses on African American film representation, Canadian feature films, and the reception of American culture in the Czech lands. He is the author of The Progressive Era in American Historical Fiction: John Dos Passos’ The 42nd Parallel and E.L. Doctorow’s Ragtime (1998), Průvodce cestovatele Amerikou (A Traveler’s Guide through the Culture of the United States, 2001) and Sambo tu již nebydlí? Obraz Afroameričanů v americkém filmu 20. století (Sambo Does Not Live Here Anymore? The African American Representation in American Film of the 20th Century, 2003) He also co-authored the volume Us-Them-Me, the Search for Identity in Canadian Literature and Film (2009).
Doctoral Candidates
Dalibor ŽÍLA est doctorant en lettres romanes à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université Masaryk de Brno (République tchèque). Il se spécialise en littérature québécoise. Sa thèse de doctorat porte sur l’Imaginaire de la fin du monde dans le roman québécois contemporain. Il est membre de l’Association d'études canadiennes de l'Europe centrale (CEACS).
Lucie Altmannová is a doctoral candidate at the department of English and American Studies at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, focusing on Indigenous studies and literatures, feminist studies and impacts of colonialism, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy on Indigenous communities. Her dissertation focuses on contemporary literary works by Indigenous women from present-day Canada and USA and the transformative role of Indigenous knowledge, practices and storytelling in decolonization. Since summer 2024, she works as a student assistant for the Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS) and as the spokesperson for the International Network for Emerging Scholars in Canadian Studies (RIJEC/ INES-Canada) representing the Central European branch.