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na Katedře anglistiky a amerikanistiky v Brně

Though Masaryk University was founded in 1919, only the Faculties of Law and Medicine began operating that year. The Faculties of Science and Arts came into existence a year later, in 1920. But it was only in 1921 that actual teaching began. To mark this centenary, the Faculty of Arts and its departments organized a wide range of activities in the course of 2021.
The Department of English and American Studies took part in the celebration through two online events held on 20 November.

Symposium to mark the centennial of the birth of Prof. Jan Firbas
(Moderator: Jana Chamonikolasová)

Virtual “Reunion”
(Moderator: Tomáš Pospíšil)

Opening (duration: 10:34)
— Welcoming address (Jana Chamonikolasová)
— Current state of the Department (Tomáš Pospíšil)

Announcing new books

Volumes 4 and 5 of Collected Works of Jan Firbas
— Jana Chamonikolasová
(Duration 5:41)

Book launch of Collected Works of Jan Firbas
— Eva Golková. Ludmila Urbanová, Jana Chamonikolasová, Jiří Lukl
(Duration 2:47)

English or Czenglish: Avoiding Czechisms in English – a completely revised new edition
— Simona Kalová, Chris Rance, Don Sparling
(Duration 21:23)

Outside In: A Personal History of the Brno Department of English – a new book based on Don Sparling’s research and personal reminiscences
(Duration 13:02)

Further Programme

An update on Gypsywood
— Jeff Smith and Tomáš Kačer
(Duration 10:02)

“Professor Chudoba's tree” – something interesting in the works
— Nora Hodečková and Don Sparling
(Duration 20:44)

New website on the history of the English Department
— Jiří Rambousek
(Duration 4:33)

“Friends of the English Department” – a surprise! – and conclusion
— Don Sparling
(Duration 5:32)

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