DEAS Research Seminar

  • 22. března 2024
  • G31, Gorkého 7

Mgr. Linda Nepivodová, Ph.D.
Computer or Paper? A Comparison of Two Modes of Test Administration

Abstract: The talk compares first year university students’ compulsory English achievement tests written in two modes of administration, i.e. pencil and paper and computer-based tests (PPT and CBT), over three successive years. The central research question investigated is whether the usage of computer-based language testing is justified in our context. I will briefly map the theoretical discourse and comment on selected fundamental aspects of language testing practices, significant for the comparison itself and then detail the methodology of the study and the results.

PhDr. Simona Kalová, Ph.D.
Does Accuracy Really Matter? Interpreting the Results of a Corpus-based Analysis of Advanced English in Czech Tertiary Education

Abstract: “Advanced learners tend to be fluent but not very accurate” is surely an observation made by many language teachers (not exclusively) at universities. A corpus-based analysis of advanced learner English, both written and spoken, will be briefly presented in an attempt to identify areas which tend to be problematic for advanced Czech and Slovak learners of English. The influence of L1 on the acquisition of L2 and the impact of a targeted educational intervention seeking to enhance the accuracy of learner language will also be outlined.


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