DEAS Research Seminar - Jitka Sedláčková and Nicola Fořtová

DEAS Research Seminar | Fridays at 12 | room G31

March 28, 2025

Jitka Sedláčková and Nicola Fořtová (DEAS, FF MU)

What's in it for me: Mentors' Perspectives on their Role in Language Teacher Education in the Czech Context

The role of mentoring in Czech teacher education has evolved, with increased emphasis on student teachers' practical experience. However, the lack of clarity surrounding mentors' roles, combined with a shortage of available schools, burdens untrained mentors and leads to varied relationships with universities and teacher educators. Our qualitative study involved interviews with English teachers from Czech secondary schools, exploring mentors' perspectives and experiences of mentoring. Although there is limited literature and practice on mentoring in the Czech context, studies from other settings underscore the significance of mentor-student teacher cooperation for professional development. Also highlighted are variations in mentor roles, their perceived value, and differing expectations and standards between mentors and mentees. The findings support the need for systematic mentoring evaluation and the development of competency-enhancing programs.

Jitka Sedláčková is an Assistant Professor at the Department of English and American Studies at FF MU. Her Ph.D. was awarded in ELT Methodology. Her research interests include teaching EFL to learners with specific needs (particularly deaf and hard of hearing students), individual differences in second language acquisition and language teacher education.

Nicola Fořtová holds an MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, is a CELTA tutor, an oral examiner for the Cambridge suite of exams and an Oxford Teachers’ Academy trainer. She is currently persuing her PhD and her main areas of research and interest lie in interaction in the classroom. Originally from the UK, Nikki is a teacher and teacher trainer at Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic.


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