prof. Jay Fiskio: Collaborative Repair
3. října 2023
17:30 - Malý sál, 6. patro, MZK, Kounicova 65a
In this talk prof. Jay Fiskio will reflect on the work of front-line communities in protecting and repairing the environment.
First, she highlightes the community of Africatown, Alabama and work of urban farmers in Ohio
who create sanctuaries and sovereignty in the city.
Drawing on these two long-term community collaborations, she describes how environmental justice
must be located within a framework of reparations for enslavement.
Bio: Jay Fiskio is professor of Environmental Studies and Comparative American Studies at the Oberlin College in Ohio. Here research interests range from ecocriticism, agrarianism and food justice to climate change, cultural studies, and environmental justice. She is the author of numerous research articles, book chapters and the book Climate Change, Literature, and Environmental Justice Poetics of Dissent and Repair (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
The program will be held in English without interpretation.
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