Články Jana Firbase na téma funkční větná perspektiva

Následující přehled článků o FSP je založen na datech sebraných pro publikaci Martin Drápela (ed.): A Bibliography of Functional Sentence Perspective 1956-2011. Brno: MU 2015. ISBN 978-80-210-7111-7.
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  • 1956# ‘Poznámky k problematice anglického slovního pořádku a hlediska aktuálního členění větného’ [Some notes on the problem of English word order from the point of view of actual sentence analysis], Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A4, pp. 93-107
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/101567
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 1. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1957 ‘Some thoughts on the function of word order in Old English and Modern English’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A5, pp. 72-100
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100662
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  • 1957# ‘K otázce nezákladových podmětů v současné angličtině: Příspěvek k teorii aktuálního členění větného’ [On the problem of non-thematic subjects in contemporary English: A contribution to the theory of functional sentence perspective], Časopis pro moderní filologii 39, pp. 22-42, 165-173.
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 1. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1958 ‘Bemerkungen über einen deutschen Beitrag zum Problem des Satzperspektive’ [Notes on a German contribution to the problem of sentence perspective], Philologica Pragensia 1, pp. 49-54.
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 1. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1958# ‘K vyjadřování aktuálního členění v angličtině’ [On expressing functional sentence perspective in English]. In A. Dostál (Ed.): O vědeckém poznání soudobých jazyků, Prague: Nakladatelství ČSAV, pp. 250-252
  • 1959# ‘More thoughts on the communicative function of the English verb’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A7, pp. 74-98.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100244
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  • 1959 ‘Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech’, Brno Studies in English 1, pp. 39-65.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/117987
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  • 1961# ‘On the communicative value of the Modern English finite verb’, Brno Studies in English 3, pp. 79-104.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118003
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  • 1961# ‘Ještě k postavení příslovečného určení v angličtině a češtině z hlediska aktuálního členění větného’ [Another note on the position of the situational adverbs in English and Czech from the point of view of FSP], Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A9, pp. 153-156.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100593
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  • 1962# ‘Notes on the function of the sentence in the act of communication. (Marginalia on two important studies in syntax by Anna Granville Hatcher’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A10, pp. 133-148.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100190
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  • 1962# ‘Poznámka k místu funkční perspektivy větné v struktuře jazyka’ [A note on the place of FSP in the structure of language], Otázky slovanské syntaxe 1, pp. 201-203.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/119410
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  • 1962# ‘Ze srovnávacích studií slovosledných. (K Mathesiovu pojetí anglické slovosledné soustavy ve srovnání se slovoslednou soustavou českou)’ [From comparative word-order studies. (Thoughts on V. Mathesius'' conception of the word-order system in English compared with that in Czech)], Slovo a slovesnost 23, pp. 161-174.
    Dostupné online: https://kramerius.lib.cas.cz/search/handle/uuid:bbf17856-530d-11e1-1726-001143e3f55c
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 1. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1964# ‘From comparative word-order studies. (Thoughts on V. Mathesius’s conception of the word-order system in English compared with that in Czech)’, Brno Studies in English 4, pp. 118-128.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118010
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  • 1964# ‘On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis’, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1, pp. 267-280.
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  • 1965# ‘A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis’, Philologica Pragensia 8, pp. 170-176.
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  • 1965# ‘K otázce tzv. východiska výpovědi’ [On the problem of the so-called theme of the sentence], Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A13, pp. 87-96.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100382
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  • 1965 ‘Ke komunikativní funkci anglického, českého a německého slovesa’ [On the communicative function of the verb in English, Czech and German], Prednášky v Krúžku moderných filológov 2, pp. 5-30.
  • 1966# ‘Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English: A contribution to the problem of central and peripheral phenomena in the system of functional sentence perspective’, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2, pp. 239-256.
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  • 1967# ‘It was yesterday that...’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A15, pp. 141-146.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/101085
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  • 1968# ‘On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb as means of functional sentence perspective (More thoughts on transition proper)’, Brno Studies in English 7, pp. 11-48.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118023
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  • 1968 ‘Über das Zusammenspiel prosodischer Elemente in der funktionellen Satzperspektive’ [On the interplay of prosodic elements in functional sentence perspective], Moderne Sprachen 12, pp. 40-45.
  • 1969 ‘On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb-objectc combination as means of functional sentence perspective’, Brno Studies in English 8, pp. 49-59.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118038
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  • 1970 ‘Linguistic research in the Brno Philosophical Faculty and its associations with the Linguistic School of Prague’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A18, pp. 93-111.
    Dostupné online: https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/101443
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  • 1970# ‘Note on the prosodic features as means of functional sentence perspective’, in B. Hála, M. Romportl, & P. Janota (Eds): Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague: Academia, pp. 327-330.
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  • 1970 ‘On the interplay of means of functional sentence perspective’, in A. Gnur (Ed.): Actes du dixieme congres international des linguistes, Bucharest: Académie de la République Socialiste de Roumani, pp. 741-745.
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  • 1971 ‘On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective’, Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A19, pp. 135-144.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100731
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  • 1972# ‘A note on the intonation of questions from the point of view of the theory of functional sentence perspective’, Phonetica Pragensia 3, pp. 91-94.
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  • 1972 ‘Die Funktion der Frage im Kommunikationsprozess’ [The function of the question in communication process], Postilla Bohemica 1, pp. 45-58.
  • 1972# ‘Funktsii voprosa v protsesse kommunikatsii’ [Functions of the question in communication process], Voprosy yazykoznaniya 2, pp. 55-65.
    Dostupné online: https://www.ruslang.ru/doc/voprosy/voprosy1972-2.pdf
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  • 1972# ‘Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English: A contribution to the problem of central and peripheral phenomena in the system of functional sentence perspective’, in W. A. Koch (Ed.): Strukturelle Textanalyse, Hildesheim/New York: Olms, pp. 24-40.
  • 1972# ‘On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of functional sentence perspective (A theoretical note on the teaching of English intonation)’, in V. Fried (Ed.): The Prague School of Linguistics and Language Teaching, London: Oxford University Press, pp. 77-94.
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  • 1973# ‘Zamechanie o roli temporal’nykh i modal’nykh ukazateley lichnoy formy glagola v aktual'nom chlenenii’, Otázky slovanské syntaxe 3, pp. 135-140.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/120840
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  • 1974# ‘O pojęciu dynamiczności wypowiedzeniowej w teorii funkcjonalnej perspektywy zdania’ [On the notion of communicaative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective], in M. R. Mayenowa (Ed.): Tekst i język. Problemy semantyczne, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, pp. 9-21.
  • 1974 ‘Some aspects of the Czechoslovak approach to problems of functional sentence perspective’, in F. Daneš (Ed.): Papers on Functional Sentence Perspective, Prague: Academia, pp. 11-37.
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  • 1975# ‘On "existence/appearance on the scene" in functional sentence perspective’, Prague Studies in English 16, pp. 47-70.
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  • 1975# ‘On the thematic and the non-thematic section of the sentence’, in H. Ringbom (Ed.): Style and Text: Studies Presented to Nils Erik Enkvist, Stockholm: Skriptor, pp. 317-334.
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  • 1976# ‘A study in the functional sentence perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentences’, Brno Studies in English 12, pp. 9-56.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118071
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  • 1978# ‘K problematice tématu výpovědi’ [On the problems concerning the theme of the utterance], in M. R. Mayenowa (Ed.): Tekst. Język. Poetyka, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, pp. 29-46.
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 2. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1979# ‘A functional view of "ordo naturalis"’, Brno Studies in English 13, pp. 29-59.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118085
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  • 1979 ‘O tematické a netematické části věty’ [On the thematic and the non-thematic section of the sentence], in Kurs odborného anglického překladu pro pracovníky VTEI, Pardubice: Dům techniky ČSVTS, pp. 127-157.
  • 1979# ‘Úvaha o Ertlově pojetí českého slovního pořádku’ ['Reflections on Ertl’s conception of Czech word order'], Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A27, pp. 185-196.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100290
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  • 1980# ‘On the concept of the "basic distribution of communicative dynamism"’, in English Studies: Articles on English and American Literature and the English Language, Vol. 1, Sofia: The Kliment of Ohrida University of Sofia, pp. 79-89.
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  • 1980# ‘Post-intonation-centre prosodic shade in the modern English clause’, in S. Greenbaum, G. Leech & J. Svartvik (Eds): Studies in English Linguistics for Randolph Quirk, London: Longman, pp. 125-133.
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  • 1980# ‘K pojmu základního rozložení výpovědní dynamičnosti’ [On the concept of the basic distribution of communicative dynamism], Otázky slovanské syntaxe 4/2, pp. 143-146.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/121634
  • 1980# ‘Ke konfrontačním studiím o aktuálním členění větném’ [On comparative studies about FSP], Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity A28, pp. 19-28.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/100817
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  • 1981# ‘A note on static semantics and dynamic semantics’, in F. Daneš & D. Viehweger (Eds): Satzsemantische Komponenten und Relationen im Text, Prague: Ústav pro jazyk český, pp. 78-87.
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  • 1981 ‘Die Träger des kommunikativen Dynamismus’ [Carriers of communicative dynamism], in G. Weise (Ed.): Kommunikativ-funktionale Sprachbetrachtung 1, Halle an der Saale: Martin-Luther-Universität, pp. 80-86.
  • 1981# ‘Scene and perspective’, Brno Studies in English 14, pp. 37-79.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118096
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  • 1982# ‘Has every sentence a theme and a rheme?’, in J. Anderson (Ed.): Language Form and Linguistic Variation: Papers Dedicated to Angus McIntosh, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 97-116.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1982# ‘Aktuální členění větné(,) či "funkční perspektiva větná"?’ [Is "functional sentence perspective" an equivalent of "aktuální členění větné"?], Slovo a slovesnost 43, pp. 282-293.
    Dostupné online: https://kramerius.lib.cas.cz/search/handle/uuid:c89c9333-530d-11e1-1418-001143e3f55c
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  • 1982 ‘Nositelé stupňů výpovědní dynamičnosti’ [Carriers of the degrees of communicative dynamism], in XV. ročenka Kruhu moderních filologů při Československé akademii věd 1981-1982, Prague: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 3-8.
  • 1983# ‘On bipartition, tripartition and pluripartition in the theory of functional sentence perspective’, in T. Dobrzyńska & E. Janus (Eds): Tekst i zdanie, Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk, pp. 67-79.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1983# ‘On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective (Comments on Alexander Szwedek's critique)', Brno Studies in English 15, pp. 9-36.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104012
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1983 ‘On the concepts of scene and perspective in Fillmore's approach and in that of functional sentence perspective’, in S. Rot (Ed.): Languages in Function: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 1980 Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europea, Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, pp. 101-107.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1984# ‘Carriers of communicative dynamism’, Prague Studies in English 18, pp. 63-73.
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  • 1985# ‘Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness’, Brno Studies in English 16, pp. 11-48.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104482
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  • 1986# ‘A case study in the dynamics of written communication’, in D. Kastovsky & A. Szwedek (Eds): Linguistics Across Historical and Geographical Boundaries: In Honour of Jacek Fisiak, Berlin/Amsterdam/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 859-876.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1986# ‘A systemic view of functional sentence perspective’, in T. Dobrzyńska (Ed.): Teoria tekstu, Wroclaw: Polska Akademia Nauk, pp. 17-33.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1986# ‘On the dynamics of written communication in the light of the theory of functional sentence perspective’, in C. R. Cooper, & S. Greenbaum (Eds): Studying Writing: Linguistic Approaches, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, pp. 40-71.
    Zařazeno do 3. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1987# 'On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective II (On Wallace L. Chafe's view on new and old information and communicative dynamism)’, Brno Studies in English 17, pp. 51-59.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104165
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  • 1987# ‘On the delimitation of the theme in functional sentence perspective’, in R. Dirven & V. Fried (Eds): Functionalism in Linguistics, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 137-156.
    Zařazeno do 4. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1987# ‘On the operation of communicative dynamism in functional sentence perspective’, Leuvense Bijdragen 76, pp. 289-304.
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  • 1987# ‘On two starting points of communication’, in R. Steele & T. Threadgold (Eds): Language Topics: Essays in Honour of Michael Halliday, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 23-46.
    Zařazeno do 4. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1987# ‘Sentence as a field of relations’, in E. Hajičová, J. Povejšil & P. Sgall (Eds): Explizite Beschreibung der Sprache und automatische Textbearbeitung. 14. Probleme und Perspektiven der Satz- und Textforschung, Prague: Charles University, pp. 59-66.
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 4. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1987# ‘Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness. Part Two’, Brno Studies in English 17, pp. 9-49.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104166
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  • 1988 ‘On the role of the parts of speech in functional sentence perspective’, in J. Klegraf & D. Nehls (Eds): Essays on the English Language and Applied Linguistics on the Occasion of Gerhard Nickel''s 60th Birthday, Heidelberg: Julius Groos, pp. 96-109.
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  • 1989 ‘Interpreting Psalm 91 from the point of view of functional sentence perspective’, in L. E. Breivik, A. Hille & S. Johansson (Eds): Essays on the English Language in Honour of Bertil Sundby, Oslo: Novus Forlag, pp. 107-116.
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  • 1990 ‘Degrees of communicative dynamism and degrees of prosodic prominence (weight)’, Brno Studies in English 18, pp. 21-66.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104234
  • 1990# ‘On the hierarchy of factors in functional sentence perspective’, in W. Bahner, J. Schildt & D. Viehweger (Eds): Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists. Volume 3, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, pp. 2065-2067.
  • 1990 # ‘On the vexed question of context in functional sentence perspective’, in T. Dobrzyńska (Ed.): Tekst w kontekście, Wroclaw: Polska Akademia Nauk, pp. 41-54.
    Zařazeno do 4. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1991 ‘Dagli studi comparativi sull' ordine delle parole. Riflessioni sull' interpretazione di V. Mathesius del sistema dell' ordine delle parole in inglese a confronto con quello del ceco.', in A. Svoboda & R. Sornicola (Eds): Il campo di tensione. La sintassi della Scuola di Praga, Napoli: Liguori Editore, pp. 347-372.
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 1. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1991 ‘Il funzionamento del dinamismo comunicativo nella prospettiva funzinale della frase’, in A. Svoboda & R. Sornicola (Eds): Il campo di tensione. La sintassi della Scuola di Praga, Napoli: Liguori Editore, pp. 195-209
    V anglickém překladu zařazeno do 4. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1991# ‘On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective III (On discreteness in functional sentence perspective)’, Brno Studies in English 19, pp. 77-92.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104426
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  • 1992 ‘On some basic problems of functional sentence perspective’, in M. Davies & L. Ravelli (Eds): Advances in Systemic Linguistics: Recent Theory and Practice, London/New York: Pinter, pp. 167-188.
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  • 1992# ‘The why’s and how’s in my research into functional sentence perspective’, in M. Pütz (Ed.): Thirty Years of Linguistic Evolution: Studies in Honour of René Dirven on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 333-357.
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  • 1992 ‘Translation and functional sentence perspective (A case study of John 1.1-2)’, in A. van Essen & E. I. Burkart (Eds): Essays in English as a Foreign or Second Language: Homage to W. R. Lee, Berlin/New York: Foris, pp. 221-231.
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  • 1993# ‘Can the functional perspective of a spoken sentence be predicted from that of its written counterpart? An inquiry based on a comparative analysis of J. D. O’Connor’s and R. Kingdon’s tonetic transcriptions of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address’, Brno Studies in English 20, pp. 23-49.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104392
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  • 1994# ‘Communicative purpose as conveyed by functional sentence perspective (A case study of Psalm 111.10)’, in K. Carlton, K. Davidse & B. Rudzka-Ostyn (Eds): Perspectives on English, Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, pp. 203-212.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1994 ‘Functional sentence perspective in Bible translation’, in H. Pavlincová & D. Papoušek (Eds): The Bible in Cultural Context, Brno: Czech Society for the Study of Religions/Masaryk University, pp. 125-137.
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  • 1994 ‘Round table on functional linguistics, 1st April 1993, University of Vienna: Prof. J. Firbas’, VIenna English Working paperS 3/1, pp. 4-5.
  • 1994# ‘Substantiating Daneš's view of givenness as a graded phenomenon’, in S. Čmejrková & F. Štícha (Eds): The Syntax of Sentence and Text: A Festschrift for František Daneš, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 119-129.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1995 ‘A contribution on a panel discussion on rheme’, in M. Ghadesy (Ed.): Thematic Development in English Texts, London/New York: Pinter, pp. 213-222.
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  • 1995 ‘On the thematic and the rhematic layers of the text’, in B. Warvik, S-K. Tanskanen & R. Hiltunen (Eds): Organization in Discourse. Proceedings from the Turku Conference, Turku: University of Turku, pp. 59-72.
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  • 1995# ‘Retrievability span in functional sentence perspective’, Brno Studies in English 21, pp. 17-45.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104106
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  • 1996# ‘A case study in linear modification (On translating Apoc. 21.6b)’, Brno Studies in English 22, pp. 23-48.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104298
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  • 1996 ‘Exploring Vilém Mathesius' use of the term theme. Part I’, Linguistica Pragensia 39/1, pp. 5-23.
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  • 1996 ‘Exploring Vilém Mathesius' use of the term theme. Part II’, Linguistica Pragensia 39/2, pp. 63-86.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1996# ‘Mobility of clause constituents and functional sentence perspective’, in B. H. Partee & P. Sgall (Eds): Discourse and Meaning: Papers in Honour of Eva Hajičová, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 221-233.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1997# ‘On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective IV (Some thoughts on Marie Luise Thein's critique of the theory)’, Brno Studies in English 23, pp. 51-86.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104340
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  • 1998 ‘Answers to questions put to an FSP theorist by Professor E. M. Uhlenbeck’, in M. Janse (Ed.): Productivity and Creativity: Studies in General and Descriptive Linguistics in Honour of E. M. Uhlenbeck, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 55-67.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1998# ‘On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective V (Some more thoughts on Marie Luise Thein's critique of the theory)’, Brno Studies in English 24, pp. 11-32.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104024
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1999 ‘Communicative dynamism’, in J. Verschueren, J.-O. Östman, J. Blommaert & C. Bulcaen (Eds): Handbook of Pragmatics 1999, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1999# ‘Dogs must be carried on the escalator’, Brno Studies in English 25, pp. 7-18.
    Dostupné online: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/104499
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1999# ‘On dynamic semantic homogeneity in functional sentence perspective’, in U. Carls & P. Lucko (Eds): Form, Function and Variation in English: Studies in Honour of Klaus Hansen, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 305-317.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1999 ‘On the conditions of the occurrence of the intonation centre on the final sentence constituent’, in O. Fujimura, B. D. Joseph & B. Palek (Eds): Proceedings of LP'98. Item Order in Language and Speech, Prague: Charles University, pp. 111-123.
  • 1999# ‘The theory of functional sentence perspective as a reflection of an effort towards a means-ends model of language’, in E. Hajičová, T. Hoskovec, O. Leška, P. Sgall & Z. Skoumalová (Eds): Prague Linguistic Circle Papers 3, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 237-248.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 1999 ‘Translating the introductory paragraph of Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago: A case study in functional sentence perspective’, in G. Anderman & M. Rogers (Eds): Word, Text, Translation: Liber Amicorum for Peter Newmark, Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto/Sydney: Multilingual Matters, pp. 129-141.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 2000# ‘Notes on some basic concepts of the theory of FSP: With a response to Robert de Beaugrande’, R. de Beaugrande (Ed.): In Honour of Jan Firbas (online),
    [původně dostupné online: http://www.beaugrande.com/FirbasFest.htm – naposledy uloženo 2000-02-04 v 07:57:00Z; 9. 1. 2021 nedostupné.]
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.
  • 2000 ‘Notes on some basic concepts of the theory of functional sentence perspective’, in A. Klégr & J. Čermák (Eds): The Tongue is an Eye: Studies Presented to Libuše Dušková, Prague: Charles University, pp. 21-32.
    Zařazeno do 5. dílu Collected Works.

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