Sebrané spisy Jana Firbase
Collected Works of Jan Firbas, projekt postupného vydání všech Firbasových časopiseckých článků, inicioval v roce 2006 prof. Aleš Svoboda. Soubor vychází anglicky, články psané v jiných jazycích jsou do angličtiny překládány. Pět svazků zahrnuje vybrané články Jana Firbase k tématu funkční větné perspektivy. Profesor Svoboda se bohužel nedožil vydání prvního svazku. Funkci hlavního editora převzala doc. Jana Chamonikolasová. Vydávání pětidílného souboru bylo završeno v roce 2021, k stému výročí narození Jana Firbase.
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Obsahují následující články Jana Firbase:
2010 Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume One (1951–1967), edited by A. Svoboda, J. Chamonikolasová & L. Urbanová, Brno: Masaryk University. ISBN 978-80-210-5128-7
- Some notes on the problem of English word order from the point of view of FSP
- On the problem of non-thematic subjects in contemporary English
- Some thoughts on the function of word order in Old English and Modern English
- Notes on one German contribution to the problem of sentence perspective
- Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech
- More thoughts on the communicative function of the English verb
- An additional note on the position of the situational adverbs in English and Czech
- On the commumcative value of the modern English finite verb
- Notes on the function of the sentence in the act of communication
- A note on the place of FSP in the structure of the language
- From comparative word-order studies
- On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis
- A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis
- Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English
- It was yesterday that...
2013 Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Two (1968–1978), edited by J. Chamonikolasová, M. Černý & L. Urbanová, Brno: Masaryk University. ISBN 978-80-210-5849-1
- On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb as means of functional sentence perspective: More thoughts on transition proper
- On the prosodic features of the modern English finite verb-object combination as means of functional sentence perspective
- Linguistic research in the Brno Philosophical Faculty and its associations with the Linguistic School of Prague
- Note on the prosodic features as means of functional sentence perspective
- On the interplay of means of functional sentence perspective
- On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective
- Functions of the question in the process of communication
- A note on the intonation of questions from the point of view of the theory of functional sentence perspective
- On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of functional sentence perspective
- Notes on the role of the temporal and modal exponents of the finite verb form in functional sentence perspective
- Some aspects of the Czechoslovak approach to problems of functional sentence perspective
- On ‘existence/appearance on the scene’ in functional sentence perspective
- On the thematic and the non-thematic section of the sentence
- On contrastive studies in functional sentence perspective
- A study in the functional perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence
- On issues concerning the theme of the utterance
2014 Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Three (1979–1986), edited by J. Chamonikolasová, M. Černý & E. Golková, Brno: Masaryk University. ISBN 978-80-210-7676-1
- A functional view of ‘ordo naturalis’
- Reflection on Ertl’s conception of Czech word order
- Post-intonation-centre prosodic shade in the modern English clause
- A note on static semantics and dynamic semantics
- On the concept of the ‘basic distribution of communicative dynamism’
- Scene and perspective
- Is ‘functional sentence perspective’ an equivalent of ‘aktuální členění větné’?
- Has every sentence a theme and a rheme?
- On bipartition, tripartition and pluripartition in the theory of functional sentence perspective
- On the concepts of scene and perspective in Fillmore’s approach and in that of functional sentence perspective
- On some basic issues of the theory of functional sentence perspective
- Carriers of communicative dynamism
- Thoughts on functional sentence perspective, intonation and emotiveness
- A case-study in the dynamics of written communication
- On the dynamics of written communication in the light of the theory of functional sentence perspective
- A systemic view of functional sentence perspective
2021 Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Four
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2021 Collected Works of Jan Firbas. Volume Five
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