22. 10. 2018 HCA Spring Academy 2019 Ph.D. Conference on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics & Religion in Heidelberg, Germany
8. 10. 2018 Metodologie lingvistiky: základy a poznámky Dvoudílný seminář Metodologie lingvistiky: základy a poznámky, který povede prof. PhDr. František Čermák, DrSc., professor emeritus FF UK, zakladatel Ústavu Českého národního korpusu.
4. 12. Belonging: Rethinking Native American Art on Display at the World’s Columbian Exposition 17:00 Throughout the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893, Native American “artifacts” were on evident display in the Smithsonian Bureau of American Ethnology pavilion, the Indian boarding school exhibition, the Buffalo Bill’s Wild West performance, and even the metalwork company Tiffany & Co.’s display. While these contexts impose narratives of Native American decline and assimilation, re-thinking this material culture through the lens of Native American and Indigenous studies as animate and relational Belongings invites new questions and interpretations about how Indigenous epistemologies inhere and communicate even within these restrictive contexts.
8. 12. The GWP present: Macbeth by W. Shakespeare 19:00 The Department's student theatre troup The GWP are presenting the play of the season: the Scottish play by the Bard himself. At the Barka theatre. For more info, see the Instagram.