2. 3. 2020 Translation Traineeship Every year, there are around 100 places available for paid traineeships, around 20 places for unpaid compulsory traineeships and and up to 6 places for paid trainees with a disability.
12. 2. 2020 Extending the Scope of Narratology Narratology was born out of the realization that the horizon of narrativity was beyond the scope of literary theory.
8. 12. The GWP present: Macbeth by W. Shakespeare 19:00 The Department's student theatre troup The GWP are presenting the play of the season: the Scottish play by the Bard himself. At the Barka theatre. For more info, see the Instagram.
4. 12. Belonging: Rethinking Native American Art on Display at the World’s Columbian Exposition 17:00 Throughout the World’s Columbian Exposition in 1893, Native American “artifacts” were on evident display in the Smithsonian Bureau of American Ethnology pavilion, the Indian boarding school exhibition, the Buffalo Bill’s Wild West performance, and even the metalwork company Tiffany & Co.’s display. While these contexts impose narratives of Native American decline and assimilation, re-thinking this material culture through the lens of Native American and Indigenous studies as animate and relational Belongings invites new questions and interpretations about how Indigenous epistemologies inhere and communicate even within these restrictive contexts.
29. 11. Speculating Backward: History and Empire in American Literature 1880-1940 12:00 Drawing from her dissertation, “Speculating Backward: Speculative Rewritings of the Past as Anti-Colonial Protest,” this presentation will discuss time and imperialism in American speculative fiction at the turn of the twentieth century.
12. 11. U.S. - Czech Partnership in Times of Upheavals 14:00 Přednáška a diskuze s J. E. Bijanem Sabetem, velvyslancem USA v ČR