Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method
Brno, Czech Republic, 28-30 October 2010
28-30 October 2010
Organized and hosted by The Department of English and American Studies,
Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Announcement and Call for Papers
Conference poster
Conference Programme
Special Issue of Brno Studies in English, containing the essays by the round-table participants
Special issues of Brno Studies in English:
BSE 36/2 (2010): Transgressive (auto)biography as genre and method
BSE 37/2 (2011): Approaches to trangressive auto/biography
Videos from the Conference:
Video: John Pass's poetry reading
Video: Round-table discussion
Round-Table Introducer
Michael Matthew Kaylor (Czech Republic)
Round-Table Participants
Rebekah Bloyd (USA)
Sharon Butala (Canada)
Donna Coates (Canada)
Amanda Hale (Canada)
Theresa Kishkan (Canada)
Thomas McConnell (USA)
Randall Roorda (USA)
Christopher Stuart (USA)
Aritha Van Herk (Canada)
Organizing Committee
Stephen Paul Hardy (Czech Republic)
Martina Horáková (Czech Republic)
Michael Matthew Kaylor (Czech Republic)
Kateřina Prajznerová (Czech Republic)